A Doctor Who idén húsvétkor tér vissza a BBC1-re ennek alkalmából itt van a sajtó anyag: Press Pack
A Torchwood jövője: A BBC Cymru Wales igazgatója, Menna Richards tegnapi kis beszédében megemlítette az új média centert (ami Cardiffban van), ahol a jövőben fognak forogni a sorozataik felvételeinek nagyrésze. A beszédben elhangzott a DW és a Sarah Jane A. neve is, de a Torchwood-ról még mindig semmi hír. Elképzelhető tehát, hogy a testvér sorozat átköltözik Amerikába.
Steven Moffat a Breakfast, reggeli műsorban. Ma reggel:
A Digital Spy 10 indoka, hogy miért is nézd az Eleventh Hour-t:
The Doctor apparently loves apples. But maybe hes a bit confused.
The episode spans at least fourteen years. He first meets Amy as a child, then jumps into her future.
The new Doctor uses the phrase "wibbly wobbly timey wimey" at one point. But that's not the only hark back to the past. There are so many Tennant catch phrases to choose from.
Guest stars/cameos include Annette Crosbie, , Nina Wadia and David Tennant. All the past doctors appear in this story in flashback, but Sir Patrick Moore too!
You get the first glimpse of the new TARDIS right at the end of the episode. No surprise there :)
Question: When is a crack in a wall more than just a crack in a wall? When its an entrance to a prison!
"I'm The Doctor - I'm worse than *********'* ****." Ideas?
Amy will have a rather pressing engagement. As a kissogram!
The "outfit" that Amy is wearing at the end of episode one will be her outfit for episode two, too. Policewoman I think.
Shhhhhhhh. We can only think of 9 things? :)
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